Ești aici Acasă Școli de arte marțiale Fortis taekwon-do
TOP 100 OF ROMANIA: 2023
8.8Nota finală
10Indicele de satisfacție
5 - googleMaps
5 - facebook
6Indice de popularitate
16 evaluări - googleMaps
15 evaluări - facebook
Fortis Taekwon-Do
0729 310 155
Bulevardul Carol I 61
050018 București

Interviu cu laureatul

Data interviului: 02.21.2024

Fortis Taekwon-Do

TOP 100 OF Romania: Welcome to another special feature of the TOP100 OF Romania project, where we shine a spotlight on excellence across various industries. Today, we're thrilled to have Fortis Taekwon-Do with us, a martial arts school that has quickly made its mark since its inception. Thank you for joining us.

Fortis Taekwon-Do: Thank you for having us. It's an honor to be part of this discussion.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Let's start from the beginning. How did Fortis Taekwon-Do come into being? What was the spark that led to its creation?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: It was a combination of an idea, passion, and experience. We officially opened our doors on the 1st of October 2020, and we've just celebrated our third anniversary.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Congratulations on your anniversary! Being part of this project means overcoming tough competition. What do you think has been the key to achieving such a positive reputation in your field?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: Our success stems from having experienced and approachable instructors. We've adopted a modern and scientific approach to martial arts, which sets us apart from the traditional perception of martial arts instructors.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Maintaining high-quality standards is crucial in any business. How challenging has this been for Fortis Taekwon-Do?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: It's been our biggest challenge, especially as we've grown. Expanding our team while ensuring high quality remains our top priority.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Passion seems to be a significant driving force for you. How does it shape your day-to-day operations?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: Absolutely, passion is everything. It's not just work for us; it's what we love doing, and that love fuels our dedication and drive.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for Fortis Taekwon-Do?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: We aim to continue doing the great work we're known for, expanding to more locations across Bucharest and, eventually, to other areas of Romania.

TOP 100 OF Romania: Finally, being nominated by your clients for the TOP100 must feel rewarding. How important is client satisfaction to you?

Fortis Taekwon-Do: Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. Learning about our nomination was a delightful surprise, underscoring the importance of maintaining strong client relationships.

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Compania prezentată este câștigătoarea competiției TOP 100 of Romania din categoria Școli de arte marțiale . Aparține primelor 100 de companii din industrie de la noi din țară.
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Componentele evaluării

Indicele de satisfacție

Indicele de opinie este calculat ca o medie ponderată a evaluărilor din toate portalurile de pe internet. De exemplu, dacă o firmă are un scor de 4/5 pe portalul A pe baza a 10 evaluări. Pe de altă parte, pe portalul B, a fost acordată o evaluare de 5 din 5 pe baza a 90 de evaluări. Acesta este indicatorul de opinie pe care îl calculăm:
(4 / 5.10.5 / 5.90) ​​/ 100 = 9.8 / 10

Indice de popularitate

Indicele de popularitate este numărul de recenzii pentru o anumită companie în raport cu numărul maxim de recenzii deținute de firma cu cele mai multe recenzii din acea industrie. Astfel, compania cu cele mai multe opinii obține 10 puncte pentru factorul de popularitate. Compania cu jumătate din această sumă primește 5 puncte.
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